Motions & Disputes Extension (VotingReputation
This extension allows any member of your colony to propose a Motion to take an Action that will pass after a security delay unless somebody Objects. This applies to all Actions, such as creating an expenditure, managing funds, or managing teams.
See here for more information.
Interface Methods
▸ claimMisalignedReward(uint256 _motionId, uint256 _permissionDomainId, uint256 _childSkillIndex, address _staker, uint256 _vote)
Claim the staker's reward from a motion that was created with v4 of the extension, and is now missing and cannot be interacted with via the normal claim function.
Name | Type | Description |
_motionId | uint256 | The id of the motion |
_permissionDomainId | uint256 | The domain where the extension has the arbitration permission |
_childSkillIndex | uint256 | For the domain in which the motion is occurring |
_staker | address | The staker whose reward is being claimed |
_vote | uint256 | The side being supported (0 = NAY, 1 = YAY) |
▸ claimReward(uint256 _motionId, uint256 _permissionDomainId, uint256 _childSkillIndex, address _staker, uint256 _vote)
Claim the staker's reward
Name | Type | Description |
_motionId | uint256 | The id of the motion |
_permissionDomainId | uint256 | The domain where the extension has the arbitration permission |
_childSkillIndex | uint256 | For the domain in which the motion is occurring |
_staker | address | The staker whose reward is being claimed |
_vote | uint256 | The side being supported (0 = NAY, 1 = YAY) |
▸ createClaimDelayAction(bytes memory _action, uint256 _value):bytes _delayAction
Create the action that should be taken based on the passed action to appropriately set the claim window of an expenditure from starting.
Note: Not expected to be used directly, could be made private in the future
Name | Type | Description |
_action | bytes | The action being voted on |
_value | uint256 | The value to set the claim delay to |
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_delayAction | bytes | The delay action |
▸ createMotion(uint256 _domainId, uint256 _childSkillIndex, address _altTarget, bytes memory _action, bytes memory _key, bytes memory _value, uint256 _branchMask, bytes32[] memory _siblings)
Create a motion
Name | Type | Description |
_domainId | uint256 | The domain where we vote on the motion |
_childSkillIndex | uint256 | The childSkillIndex pointing to the domain of the action |
_altTarget | address | The contract to which we send the action (0x0 for the colony) |
_action | bytes | A bytes array encoding a function call |
_key | bytes | Reputation tree key for the root domain |
_value | bytes | Reputation tree value for the root domain |
_branchMask | uint256 | The branchmask of the proof |
_siblings | bytes32[] | The siblings of the proof |
▸ escalateMotion(uint256 _motionId, uint256 _newDomainId, uint256 _childSkillIndex, bytes memory _key, bytes memory _value, uint256 _branchMask, bytes32[] memory _siblings)
Escalate a motion to a higher domain
Name | Type | Description |
_motionId | uint256 | The id of the motion |
_newDomainId | uint256 | The desired domain of escalation |
_childSkillIndex | uint256 | For the current domain, relative to the escalated domain |
_key | bytes | Reputation tree key for the new domain |
_value | bytes | Reputation tree value for the new domain |
_branchMask | uint256 | The branchmask of the proof |
_siblings | bytes32[] | The siblings of the proof |
▸ failingExecutionAllowed(uint256 _motionId):bool _allowed
Return whether a motion, assuming it's in the finalizable state, is allowed to finalize without the call executing successfully.
Note: We are only expecting this to be called from finalize motion in the contracts. It is marked as external only so that the frontend can use it.
Name | Type | Description |
_motionId | uint256 | The id of the motion |
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_allowed | bool | If motion is allowed to finalize without successful action |
▸ finalizeMotion(uint256 _motionId)
Finalized a motion, executing its action if appropriate
Name | Type | Description |
_motionId | uint256 | The id of the motion to finalize |
▸ getEscalationPeriod():uint256 _period
Get the escalation period
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_period | uint256 | The escalation period |
▸ getExpenditureMotionCount(bytes32 _structHash):uint256 _count
Get the number of ongoing motions for a single expenditure / expenditure slot
Name | Type | Description |
_structHash | bytes32 | The hash of the expenditureId or expenditureId*expenditureSlot |
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_count | uint256 | The number of ongoing motions |
▸ getExpenditurePastVote(bytes32 _actionHash):uint256 _vote
Get the largest past vote on a single expenditure variable
Name | Type | Description |
_actionHash | bytes32 | The hash of the particular expenditure action |
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_vote | uint256 | The largest past vote on this variable |
▸ getMaxVoteFraction():uint256 _fraction
Get the max vote fraction
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_fraction | uint256 | The max vote fraction |
▸ getMotion(uint256 _motionId):Motion _motion
Get the data for a single motion
Name | Type | Description |
_motionId | uint256 | The id of the motion |
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_motion | Motion | The motion struct |
▸ getMotionCount():uint256 _count
Get the total motion count
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_count | uint256 | The total motion count |
▸ getMotionState(uint256 _motionId):MotionState _motionState
Get the current state of the motion
Name | Type | Description |
_motionId | uint256 | The id of the motion |
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_motionState | MotionState | The current motion state |
▸ getRevealPeriod():uint256 _period
Get the reveal period
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_period | uint256 | The reveal period |
▸ getStake(uint256 _motionId, address _staker, uint256 _vote):uint256 _stake
Get a user's stake on a motion
Name | Type | Description |
_motionId | uint256 | The id of the motion |
_staker | address | The staker address |
_vote | uint256 | The side being supported (0 = NAY, 1 = YAY) |
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_stake | uint256 | The user's stake |
▸ getStakePeriod():uint256 _period
Get the stake period
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_period | uint256 | The stake period |
▸ getStakerReward(uint256 _motionId, address _staker, uint256 _vote):uint256 _reward, uint256 _penalty
Get the staker reward
Name | Type | Description |
_motionId | uint256 | The id of the motion |
_staker | address | The staker's address |
_vote | uint256 | The vote (0 = NAY, 1 = YAY) |
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_reward | uint256 | The staker reward (if any) |
_penalty | uint256 | The reputation penalty (if any) |
▸ getSubmitPeriod():uint256 _period
Get the submit period
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_period | uint256 | The submit period |
▸ getTotalStakeFraction():uint256 _fraction
Get the total stake fraction
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_fraction | uint256 | The total stake fraction |
▸ getUserMinStakeFraction():uint256 _fraction
Get the user min stake fraction
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_fraction | uint256 | The user min stake fraction |
▸ getVoterReward(uint256 _motionId, uint256 _voterRep):uint256 _reward
Get the voter reward NB This function will only return a meaningful value if in the reveal state. Prior to the reveal state, getVoterRewardRange should be used.
Name | Type | Description |
_motionId | uint256 | The id of the motion |
_voterRep | uint256 | The reputation the voter has in the domain |
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_reward | uint256 | The voter reward |
▸ getVoterRewardFraction():uint256 _fraction
Get the voter reward fraction
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_fraction | uint256 | The voter reward fraction |
▸ getVoterRewardRange(uint256 _motionId, uint256 _voterRep, address _voterAddress):uint256 _rewardMin, uint256 _rewardMax
Get the range of potential rewards for a voter on a specific motion, intended to be used when the motion is in the reveal state. Once a motion is in the reveal state the reward is known, and getVoterRewardRange should be used.
Name | Type | Description |
_motionId | uint256 | The id of the motion |
_voterRep | uint256 | The reputation the voter has in the domain |
_voterAddress | address | The address the user will be voting as |
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_rewardMin | uint256 | The voter reward range lower bound |
_rewardMax | uint256 | The voter reward range upper bound |
▸ initialise(uint256 _totalStakeFraction, uint256 _voterRewardFraction, uint256 _userMinStakeFraction, uint256 _maxVoteFraction, uint256 _stakePeriod, uint256 _submitPeriod, uint256 _revealPeriod, uint256 _escalationPeriod)
Initialise the extension
Name | Type | Description |
_totalStakeFraction | uint256 | The fraction of the domain's reputation we need to stake |
_voterRewardFraction | uint256 | The fraction of the total stake paid out to voters as rewards |
_userMinStakeFraction | uint256 | The minimum per-user stake as fraction of total stake |
_maxVoteFraction | uint256 | The fraction of the domain's reputation which must submit for quick-end |
_stakePeriod | uint256 | The length of the staking period in seconds |
_submitPeriod | uint256 | The length of the submit period in seconds |
_revealPeriod | uint256 | The length of the reveal period in seconds |
_escalationPeriod | uint256 | The length of the escalation period in seconds |
▸ revealVote(uint256 _motionId, bytes32 _salt, uint256 _vote, bytes memory _key, bytes memory _value, uint256 _branchMask, bytes32[] memory _siblings)
Reveal a vote secret for a motion
Name | Type | Description |
_motionId | uint256 | The id of the motion |
_salt | bytes32 | The salt used to hash the vote |
_vote | uint256 | The side being supported (0 = NAY, 1 = YAY) |
_key | bytes | Reputation tree key for the staker/domain |
_value | bytes | Reputation tree value for the staker/domain |
_branchMask | uint256 | The branchmask of the proof |
_siblings | bytes32[] | The siblings of the proof |
▸ stakeMotion(uint256 _motionId, uint256 _permissionDomainId, uint256 _childSkillIndex, uint256 _vote, uint256 _amount, bytes memory _key, bytes memory _value, uint256 _branchMask, bytes32[] memory _siblings)
Stake on a motion
Name | Type | Description |
_motionId | uint256 | The id of the motion |
_permissionDomainId | uint256 | The domain where the extension has the arbitration permission |
_childSkillIndex | uint256 | For the domain in which the motion is occurring |
_vote | uint256 | The side being supported (0 = NAY, 1 = YAY) |
_amount | uint256 | The amount of tokens being staked |
_key | bytes | Reputation tree key for the staker/domain |
_value | bytes | Reputation tree value for the staker/domain |
_branchMask | uint256 | The branchmask of the proof |
_siblings | bytes32[] | The siblings of the proof |
▸ submitVote(uint256 _motionId, bytes32 _voteSecret, bytes memory _key, bytes memory _value, uint256 _branchMask, bytes32[] memory _siblings)
Submit a vote secret for a motion
Name | Type | Description |
_motionId | uint256 | The id of the motion |
_voteSecret | bytes32 | The hashed vote secret |
_key | bytes | Reputation tree key for the staker/domain |
_value | bytes | Reputation tree value for the staker/domain |
_branchMask | uint256 | The branchmask of the proof |
_siblings | bytes32[] | The siblings of the proof |