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One Transaction Payment Extension (OneTxPayment)

Ordinarily payments require more than one transaction, because the payment lifecycle requires more than one permissioned role.

In some use cases, there might be a need for one authorized individual to be able to create, funds, and finalize a payment within a single transaction.

The OneTxPayment extension adds this functionality by adding a makePayment function which requires the caller to have both Funding and administration ability within the domain of the payment.

Extension therefore requires Administration and Funding roles to function.

Note: if you deployed your Colony using the Dapp, the OneTxPayment extension is already installed for you

Interface Methods

deprecate(bool _deprecated)

Called when deprecating (or undeprecating) the extension


_deprecatedboolIndicates whether the extension should be deprecated or undeprecated


Called when upgrading the extension

getCapabilityRoles(bytes4 _sig):bytes32 _roles

Return the permissions required for each function


_sigbytes4The function signature

Return Parameters

_rolesbytes32The byte32 of permissions required

getMetatransactionNonce(address userAddress):uint256 nonce

Gets the next nonce for a meta-transaction


userAddressaddressThe user's address

Return Parameters

nonceuint256The nonce

identifier():bytes32 _identifier

Returns the identifier of the extension

Return Parameters

_identifierbytes32The extension's identifier

install(address _colony)

Configures the extension


_colonyaddressThe colony in which the extension holds permissions

makePayment(uint256 _permissionDomainId, uint256 _childSkillIndex, uint256 _callerPermissionDomainId, uint256 _callerChildSkillIndex, address[] memory _workers, address[] memory _tokens, uint256[] memory _amounts, uint256 _domainId, uint256 _skillId)

Completes a colony payment in a single transaction

Note: Assumes that each entity holds administration and funding roles in the root domain


_permissionDomainIduint256The domainId in which the contract has permissions to add a payment and fund it
_childSkillIndexuint256Index of the _permissionDomainId skill.children array to get
_callerPermissionDomainIduint256The domainId in which the caller has the administration permission (must have funding in root)
_callerChildSkillIndexuint256Index of the _callerPermissionDomainId skill.children array to get
_workersaddress[]The addresses of the recipients of the payment
_tokensaddress[]Addresses of the tokens the payments are being made in. 0x00 for Ether.
_amountsuint256[]amounts of the tokens being paid out
_domainIduint256The domainId the payment should be coming from
_skillIduint256The skillId that the payment should be marked with, possibly awarding reputation in this skill.

makePaymentFundedFromDomain(uint256 _permissionDomainId, uint256 _childSkillIndex, uint256 _callerPermissionDomainId, uint256 _callerChildSkillIndex, address[] memory _workers, address[] memory _tokens, uint256[] memory _amounts, uint256 _domainId, uint256 _skillId)

Completes a colony payment in a single transaction

Note: Assumes that each entity holds administration and funding roles in the same domain, although contract and caller can have the permissions in different domains. Payment is taken from domain funds - if the domain does not have sufficient funds, call will fail.


_permissionDomainIduint256The domainId in which the contract has permissions to add a payment and fund it
_childSkillIndexuint256Index of the _permissionDomainId skill.children array to get
_callerPermissionDomainIduint256The domainId in which the caller has permissions to add a payment and fund it
_callerChildSkillIndexuint256Index of the _callerPermissionDomainId skill.children array to get
_workersaddress[]The addresses of the recipients of the payment
_tokensaddress[]The addresses of the token the payments are being made in. 0x00 for Ether.
_amountsuint256[]The amounts of the tokens being paid out
_domainIduint256The domainId the payment should be coming from
_skillIduint256The skillId that the payment should be marked with, possibly awarding reputation in this skill.


Called when uninstalling the extension

version():uint256 _version

Returns the version of the extension

Return Parameters

_versionuint256The extension's version number