Coin Machine Extension (CoinMachine
Coin Machine is a mechanism to sell tokens within a colony, simplifying the process for all participants involved. It introduces the functionality to sell limited amounts of tokens in fixed-price batches, adjusting prices up or down in between sale periods based on recent demand. Coin Machine sacrifices continual availability and real-time price adjustment for the simplicity of fixed price and fixed supply, thereby also sidestepping the challenges of price manipulation, volatility, and front-running.
See here for more information.
Interface Methods
▸ buyTokens(uint256 _numTokens)
Purchase tokens from Coin Machine.
Name | Type | Description |
_numTokens | uint256 | The number of tokens to purchase |
▸ deprecate(bool _deprecated)
Called when deprecating (or undeprecating) the extension
Name | Type | Description |
_deprecated | bool | Indicates whether the extension should be deprecated or undeprecated |
▸ finishUpgrade()
Called when upgrading the extension
▸ getActiveIntake():uint256 _intake
Get the number of tokens received in the period that the price was last updated for or a purchase was made
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_intake | uint256 | Amount of tokens received |
▸ getActivePeriod():uint256 _period
Get the period that the price was last updated for or a purchase was made
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_period | uint256 | The active period |
▸ getActiveSold():uint256 _sold
Get the number of tokens sold in the period that the price was last updated for or a purchase was made
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_sold | uint256 | Amount of tokens sold |
▸ getCurrentPrice():uint256 _price
Get the current price per token
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_price | uint256 | Current price |
▸ getEMAIntake():uint256 _amount
Get the EMA of the number of tokens received each period
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_amount | uint256 | Amount of tokens received |
▸ getEvolvePrice():bool _evolve
Get the evolvePrice boolean
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_evolve | bool | The evolvePrice boolean |
▸ getMaxPerPeriod():uint256 _max
Get the maximum number of tokens to sell per period
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_max | uint256 | Maximum number of tokens |
▸ getMaxPurchase(address _user):uint256 _max
Get the maximum amount of tokens a user can purchase in a period
Name | Type | Description |
_user | address | The user's address |
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_max | uint256 | Maximum amount of tokens |
▸ getMetatransactionNonce(address _userAddress):uint256 _nonce
Gets the next nonce for a meta-transaction
Name | Type | Description |
_userAddress | address | The user's address |
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_nonce | uint256 | The nonce |
▸ getPeriodLength():uint256 _length
Get the length of the sale period
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_length | uint256 | Length of the sale period |
▸ getPurchaseToken():address _token
Get the address of the token being used to make purchases
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_token | address | The token's address |
▸ getSellableTokens():uint256 _remaining
Get the number of remaining tokens for sale this period
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_remaining | uint256 | Tokens remaining |
▸ getTargetPerPeriod():uint256 _target
Get the target number of tokens to sell per period
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_target | uint256 | Target number of tokens |
▸ getToken():address _token
Get the address of the token being sold
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_token | address | The token's address |
▸ getTokenBalance():uint256 _balance
Get the remaining balance of tokens
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_balance | uint256 | Remaining token balance |
▸ getUserLimit(address _user):uint256 _max
Get the maximum amount of tokens a user can purchase in total
Name | Type | Description |
_user | address | The user's address |
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_max | uint256 | Maximum amount of tokens |
▸ getWhitelist():address _whitelist
Get the address of the whitelist (if exists)
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_whitelist | address | Address of Whitelist contract |
▸ getWindowSize():uint256 _size
Get the size of the averaging window
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_size | uint256 | Size of the averaging window |
▸ identifier():bytes32 _identifier
Returns the identifier of the extension
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_identifier | bytes32 | The extension's identifier |
▸ initialise(address _token, address _purchaseToken, uint256 _periodLength, uint256 _windowSize, uint256 _targetPerPeriod, uint256 _maxPerPeriod, uint256 _userLimitFraction, uint256 _startingPrice, address _whitelist)
Must be called before any sales can be made
Name | Type | Description |
_token | address | The token we are selling. Cannot be ether |
_purchaseToken | address | The token to receive payments in. Use 0x0 for ether |
_periodLength | uint256 | How long in seconds each period of the sale should last |
_windowSize | uint256 | Characteristic number of periods that should be used for the moving average. In the long-term, 86% of the weighting will be in this window size. The higher the number, the slower the price will be to adjust |
_targetPerPeriod | uint256 | The number of tokens to aim to sell per period |
_maxPerPeriod | uint256 | The maximum number of tokens that can be sold per period |
_userLimitFraction | uint256 | The fraction of the total sale that a single user can buy (in WAD) |
_startingPrice | uint256 | The sale price to start at, expressed in units of _purchaseToken per token being sold, as a WAD |
_whitelist | address | Optionally an address of a whitelist contract to use can be provided. Pass 0x0 if no whitelist being used |
▸ install(address _colony)
Configures the extension
Name | Type | Description |
_colony | address | The colony in which the extension holds permissions |
▸ setWhitelist(address _whitelist)
Set the address for an (optional) whitelist
Name | Type | Description |
_whitelist | address | The address of the whitelist |
▸ uninstall()
Called when uninstalling the extension
▸ updatePeriod()
Bring the token accounting current
▸ version():uint256 _version
Returns the version of the extension
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_version | uint256 | The extension's version number |