Ether Router (IEtherRouter
Ether Router is an internal contract used to implement upgradability. A proxy contract, this contract provides consistent storage while allowing for function calls to be dispatched to other contracts. This allows for a colony's state to remain constant while upgrading the function logic available to users.
Interface Methods
▸ setAuthority(address authority_)
Sets the EtherRouter authority. Inherited from DSAuth.
Name | Type | Description |
authority_ | address | Address of the new DSAuthority instance |
▸ setOwner(address owner_)
Sets the EtherRouter owner. Inherited from DSAuth.
Name | Type | Description |
owner_ | address | Address of the new owner |
▸ setResolver(address _resolver)
Sets the resolver address. This is used in the routing of all delegatecalls by the EtherRouter.
Name | Type | Description |
_resolver | address | Address of the new Resolver |