Streaming Payments / Salaries (StreamingPayments
This expenditure enables ongoing "streaming" payments, useful for implementing salaries. Users with the Administration and Funding permissions can create streaming payments, indicating the tokens and amounts to be transferred over a given interval of time. Users can then claim tokens continually, at whatever frequency they choose.
Interface Methods
▸ addToken(uint256 _fundingPermissionDomainId, uint256 _fundingChildSkillIndex, uint256 _id, address _token, uint256 _amount)
Add a new token/amount pair
Name | Type | Description |
_fundingPermissionDomainId | uint256 | The domain in which the caller holds the funding permission |
_fundingChildSkillIndex | uint256 | The index linking the fundingPermissionDomainId to the domainId |
_id | uint256 | The id of the streaming payment |
_token | address | The address of the token |
_amount | uint256 | The amount to pay out |
▸ cancel(uint256 _adminPermissionDomainId, uint256 _adminChildSkillIndex, uint256 _id)
Cancel the streaming payment, specifically by setting endTime to block.timestamp
Name | Type | Description |
_adminPermissionDomainId | uint256 | The domain in which the caller holds the admin permission |
_adminChildSkillIndex | uint256 | The index linking the adminPermissionDomainId to the domainId |
_id | uint256 | The id of the streaming payment |
▸ cancelAndWaive(uint256 _id, address[] memory _tokens)
Cancel the streaming payment, specifically by setting endTime to block.timestamp, and waive claim to specified tokens already earned. Only callable by the recipient.
Name | Type | Description |
_id | uint256 | The id of the streaming payment |
_tokens | address[] | The tokens to waive any claims to. |
▸ claim(uint256 _permissionDomainId, uint256 _childSkillIndex, uint256 _fromChildSkillIndex, uint256 _toChildSkillIndex, uint256 _id, address[] memory _tokens)
Claim a streaming payment
Name | Type | Description |
_permissionDomainId | uint256 | The domain in which the extension holds the funding & admin permissions |
_childSkillIndex | uint256 | The index linking the permissionDomainId to the domainId the payment is in |
_fromChildSkillIndex | uint256 | The linking the domainId to the fromPot domain |
_toChildSkillIndex | uint256 | The linking the domainId to the toPot domain |
_id | uint256 | The id of the streaming payment |
_tokens | address[] | The tokens to be paid out |
▸ create(uint256 _fundingPermissionDomainId, uint256 _fundingChildSkillIndex, uint256 _adminPermissionDomainId, uint256 _adminChildSkillIndex, uint256 _domainId, uint256 _startTime, uint256 _endTime, uint256 _interval, address _recipient, address[] memory _tokens, uint256[] memory _amounts)
Creates a new streaming payment
Name | Type | Description |
_fundingPermissionDomainId | uint256 | The domain in which the caller holds the funding permission |
_fundingChildSkillIndex | uint256 | The index linking the fundingPermissionDomainId to the domainId |
_adminPermissionDomainId | uint256 | The domain in which the caller holds the admin permission |
_adminChildSkillIndex | uint256 | The index linking the adminPermissionDomainId to the domainId |
_domainId | uint256 | The domain out of which the streaming payment will be paid |
_startTime | uint256 | The time at which the payment begins paying out |
_endTime | uint256 | The time at which the payment ends paying out |
_interval | uint256 | The period of time over which _amounts are paid out |
_recipient | address | The recipient of the streaming payment |
_tokens | address[] | The tokens to be paid out |
_amounts | uint256[] | The amounts to be paid out (per _interval of time) |
▸ deprecate(bool _deprecated)
Called when deprecating (or undeprecating) the extension
Name | Type | Description |
_deprecated | bool | Indicates whether the extension should be deprecated or undeprecated |
▸ finishUpgrade()
Called when upgrading the extension
▸ getAmountEntitledFromStart(uint256 _id, address _token):uint256 amount
Get the amount entitled to claim from the start of the stream
Name | Type | Description |
_id | uint256 | The id of the streaming payment |
_token | address | The address of the token |
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
amount | uint256 | The amount entitled |
▸ getNumStreamingPayments():uint256 numPayments
Get the total number of streaming payments
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
numPayments | uint256 | The total number of streaming payments |
▸ getPaymentToken(uint256 _id, address _token):PaymentToken paymentToken
Get the payment token struct by Id and token
Name | Type | Description |
_id | uint256 | The id of the streaming payment |
_token | address | The address of the token |
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
paymentToken | PaymentToken | The payment token struct |
▸ getStreamingPayment(uint256 _id):StreamingPayment streamingPayment
Get the streaming payment struct by Id
Name | Type | Description |
_id | uint256 | The id of the streaming payment |
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
streamingPayment | StreamingPayment | The streaming payment struct |
▸ identifier():bytes32 _identifier
Returns the identifier of the extension
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_identifier | bytes32 | The extension's identifier |
▸ install(address _colony)
Configures the extension
Name | Type | Description |
_colony | address | The colony in which the extension holds permissions |
▸ setEndTime(uint256 _adminPermissionDomainId, uint256 _adminChildSkillIndex, uint256 _id, uint256 _endTime)
Update the endTime, only if the new endTime is in the future
Name | Type | Description |
_adminPermissionDomainId | uint256 | The domain in which the caller holds the admin permission |
_adminChildSkillIndex | uint256 | The index linking the adminPermissionDomainId to the domainId |
_id | uint256 | The id of the streaming payment |
_endTime | uint256 | The new endTime to set |
▸ setStartTime(uint256 _adminPermissionDomainId, uint256 _adminChildSkillIndex, uint256 _id, uint256 _startTime)
Update the startTime, only if the current startTime is in the future
Name | Type | Description |
_adminPermissionDomainId | uint256 | The domain in which the caller holds the admin permission |
_adminChildSkillIndex | uint256 | The index linking the adminPermissionDomainId to the domainId |
_id | uint256 | The id of the streaming payment |
_startTime | uint256 | The new startTime to set |
▸ setTokenAmount(uint256 _fundingPermissionDomainId, uint256 _fundingChildSkillIndex, uint256 _permissionDomainId, uint256 _childSkillIndex, uint256 _fromChildSkillIndex, uint256 _toChildSkillIndex, uint256 _id, address _token, uint256 _amount)
Update the token amount to be paid out. Claims existing payout prior to the change
Name | Type | Description |
_fundingPermissionDomainId | uint256 | The domain in which the caller holds the funding permission |
_fundingChildSkillIndex | uint256 | The index linking the fundingPermissionDomainId to the domainId |
_permissionDomainId | uint256 | The domain in which the extension holds the funding & admin permissions |
_childSkillIndex | uint256 | The index linking the permissionDomainId to the domainId |
_fromChildSkillIndex | uint256 | The linking the domainId to the fromPot domain |
_toChildSkillIndex | uint256 | The linking the domainId to the toPot domain |
_id | uint256 | The id of the streaming payment |
_token | address | The address of the token |
_amount | uint256 | The new amount to pay out |
▸ uninstall()
Called when uninstalling the extension
▸ version():uint256 _version
Returns the version of the extension
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_version | uint256 | The extension's version number |