Evaluated Expenditure (EvaluatedExpenditure
Evaluated Expenditures is a simple extension which allows the owner of an expenditure to update the payout modifiers after the expenditure is locked, effectively enabling the "evaluation" functionality we initially described as a part of the Tasks flow. Without this extension, payout modifiers can only be set by the Arbitration permission once the expenditure is locked, making it tedious to implement evaluation workflows.
Interface Methods
▸ deprecate(bool _deprecated)
Called when deprecating (or undeprecating) the extension
Name | Type | Description |
_deprecated | bool | Indicates whether the extension should be deprecated or undeprecated |
▸ finishUpgrade()
Called when upgrading the extension
▸ getMetatransactionNonce(address _userAddress):uint256 nonce
Gets the next nonce for a meta-transaction
Name | Type | Description |
_userAddress | address | The user's address |
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
nonce | uint256 | The nonce |
▸ identifier():bytes32 _identifier
Returns the identifier of the extension
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_identifier | bytes32 | The extension's identifier |
▸ install(address _colony)
Configures the extension
Name | Type | Description |
_colony | address | The colony in which the extension holds permissions |
▸ setExpenditurePayoutModifiers(uint256 _permissionDomainId, uint256 _childSkillIndex, uint256 _id, uint256[] memory _slots, int256[] memory _payoutModifiers)
Sets the payout modifiers in given expenditure slots, using the arbitration permission
Name | Type | Description |
_permissionDomainId | uint256 | The domainId in which the extension has the arbitration permission |
_childSkillIndex | uint256 | The index that the _domainId is relative to _permissionDomainId |
_id | uint256 | Expenditure identifier |
_slots | uint256[] | Array of slots to set payout modifiers |
_payoutModifiers | int256[] | Values (between +/- WAD) to modify the payout & reputation bonus |
▸ uninstall()
Called when uninstalling the extension
▸ version():uint256 _version
Returns the version of the extension
Return Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_version | uint256 | The extension's version number |