Extension Interfaces
📄️ Coin Machine Extension (CoinMachine)
Coin Machine is a mechanism to sell tokens within a colony, simplifying the process for all participants involved. It introduces the functionality to sell limited amounts of tokens in fixed-price batches, adjusting prices up or down in between sale periods based on recent demand. Coin Machine sacrifices continual availability and real-time price adjustment for the simplicity of fixed price and fixed supply, thereby also sidestepping the challenges of price manipulation, volatility, and front-running.
📄️ Evaluated Expenditure (EvaluatedExpenditure)
Evaluated Expenditures is a simple extension which allows the owner of an expenditure
📄️ Funding Queue (FundingQueue)
Funding Queues are a core mechanic described in the Colony whitepaper,
📄️ One Transaction Payment Extension (OneTxPayment)
Ordinarily payments require more than one transaction, because the payment lifecycle requires more than one permissioned role.
📄️ Staked Expenditure (StakedExpenditure)
This extension allows users without the Administration permission to create
📄️ Streaming Payments / Salaries (StreamingPayments)
This expenditure enables ongoing "streaming" payments, useful for implementing
📄️ Token Supplier (TokenSupplier)
A simple extension which allows a colony to automatically manage the
📄️ Motions & Disputes Extension (VotingReputation)
This extension allows any member of your colony to propose a Motion to take an Action that will pass after a security delay unless somebody Objects. This applies to all Actions, such as creating an expenditure, managing funds, or managing teams.
📄️ Whitelist Extension (Whitelist)
Alongside the Coin Machine Extension, a colony may use the Whitelist extension to filter wallet addresses allowed to take part in a token sale on Coin Machine.