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Creating transactions in Colony SDK

Within Colony, there are a few ways to do an action. As a colony is a permissioned contract, not everyone can just do anything they like, users (or contracts) have to have the right permission in the relevant team to do so. If a governance extension is installed for the colony, this behaviour changes. Using Motions & Disputes for example, it is possible to propose an action without having the appropriate permissions. As permissioned functions and governance functions take the same arguments, we have unified this in one API, that could be extended in the future.

Creating transactions and motions

So what does this mean? Let's look at an example. We would like to create a team using Colony SDK. If we have the right permissions, we can just do:

// Immediately executing async function
(async function() {
// Create a new team (domain) within our colony (using sheer force ;) )
const [{ domainId }] = await colony.createTeam().tx().mined();

Note the tx() at the end. That's where we tell Colony SDK to create a transaction that will take its action immediately, given we have the right permissions.

If we wanted to create a motion instead (see VotingReputation) to create a new team, we'd replace tx() with motion(motionTeam):

import { Id } from '@colony/sdk';
// Immediately executing async function
(async function() {
// Create a motion in the Root team to create a new team. Will have to go through the whole motion workflow
const [{ motionId }] = await colony.createTeam().motion(Id.RootDomain).mined();

Note that you have to supply a motionTeam when creating a motion. This is the id of the team in which the motion will be created. This will have an effect on who will be able to object or vote and with how much reputation.

If the motionTeam is not specified it will default to the Root domain!

Creating gasless transactions and motions (MetaTransactions)

Colony SDK supports another way of sending off transactions or motions which we call MetaTransactions. These are gasless transactions (which makes them entirely free for the user) and are signed by the user who wants to issue them and send off by a Colony server. To send a MetaTransaction, just use metaTx() instead of tx() and metaMotion() instead of motion(). The wallet then needs to sign a message instead of a transaction, which will be transferred to the Colony MetaTransaction broadcaster. The broadcaster will send back a transaction id from which the receipt and event data will be retrieved as usual.

Here's an example on how to file a motion through a metatransaction:

import { Id } from '@colony/sdk';
// Immediately executing async function
(async function() {
// Create a motion in the Root team to create a new team using a metatransaction
const [{ motionId }] = await colony.createTeam().metaMotion().mined();


Okay, what did we learn? Here's a little overview:

Create an immediate action

  • TxCreator.tx: create ("force") a Colony transaction, knowing you have the permissions to do so
  • TxCreator.metaTx: same as tx(), but send as a gasless metatransaction

Create a motion to trigger an action once it passes

Also refer to the TxCreator documentation if you'd like to learn more.

Deferring transactions

As you might have noticed, so far we ended our transaction execution call with the method .mined(). This method tells the transaction within Colony SDK to wait until it is mined on the blockchain. As this can take a long time, you might want to just send off the transaction and either forget about it (and handle the events by polling manually) or get back to it at a later point in your application flow.

For this we added another function just called send() that you can call on the transaction (example from the ColonyTransaction API documentation):

 * (async function() {
* // Just send off the transaction and get back the tx object
* // First tupel value is the ethers transaction, including the hash
* // Second tupel value is a function that does the same as `.mined()` below
* const [tx, mined] = await colony.claimFunds().tx().send();
*; // Transaction hash
* const [eventData, receipt] = await mined();
* // Wait for tx to be mined, get back the eventData, receipt
* const [eventData, receipt] = await colony.claimFunds().tx().mined();
* })();

This works just as well using ColonyMetaTransactions.