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Reputation Mining Cycle (IReputationMiningCycle)

Used to manage the Colony Network reputation mining process. Short-lived contracts, each instance exists to support a single mining cycle, and exists in two phases: a first "inactive" phase, and a second, "active" phase. During the inactive phase, the contract stores all reputation updates which occur during that cycle. In the active phase, miners use the contents of the log (now closed for updates) to calculate and submit the new reputation state.

Interface Methods

appendReputationUpdateLog(address _user, int256 _amount, uint256 _skillId, address _colonyAddress, uint128 _nParents, uint128 _nChildren)

Add a new entry to the reputation update log.


_useraddressThe address of the user having their reputation changed by this log entry
_amountint256The amount by which the user's reputation is going to change. Can be positive or negative.
_skillIduint256The skillId of the reputation being affected
_colonyAddressaddressThe address of the colony the reputation is being affected in
_nParentsuint128The number of parent skills the skill defined by the skillId has
_nChildrenuint128The number of child skills the skill defined by the skillId has

challengeRoundComplete(uint256 _round):bool complete

Get whether a challenge round is complete.


_rounduint256The round number to check

Return Parameters

completeboolBoolean indicating whether the given round challenge is complete

confirmBinarySearchResult(uint256 _round, uint256 _idx, bytes memory _jhIntermediateValue, bytes32[] memory _siblings)

This function ensures that the intermediate hashes saved are correct.


_rounduint256The round number the hash we are responding on behalf of is in
_idxuint256The index in the round that the hash we are responding on behalf of is in
_jhIntermediateValuebytesThe contents of the Justification Tree at the key given by targetLeaf (see function description). The value of targetLeaf is computed locally to establish what to submit to this function.
_siblingsbytes32[]The siblings of the Merkle proof that jhIntermediateValue is the value at key targetLeaf

confirmJustificationRootHash(uint256 _round, uint256 _index, bytes32[] memory _siblings1, bytes32[] memory _siblings2)

Verify the Justification Root Hash (JRH) for a submitted reputation hash is plausible.

Note: The majority of calls to this function will have round equal to 0. The exception to this is when a submitted hash is given a bye, in which case round will be nonzero.


_rounduint256The round that the hash is currently in.
_indexuint256The index in the round that the hash is currently in
_siblings1bytes32[]The siblings for the same Merkle proof
_siblings2bytes32[]The siblings for the same Merkle proof

confirmNewHash(uint256 _roundNumber)

Confirm a new reputation hash. The hash in question is either the only one that was submitted this cycle, or the last one standing after all others have been proved wrong.


_roundNumberuint256The round number that the hash being confirmed is in as the only contendender. If only one hash was submitted, then this is zero.

getDecayConstant():uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator

Get the reputation decay constant.

Return Parameters

numeratoruint256The numerator of the decay constant
denominatoruint256The denominator of the decay constant

getDisputeRewardSize():uint256 reward

Returns the amount of CLNY given for defending a hash during the current dispute cycle

Return Parameters

rewarduint256uint256 The amount of CLNY given.

getDisputeRound(uint256 _round):DisputedEntry[] submissions

The getter for the disputeRounds mapping.


_rounduint256The dispute round to query

Return Parameters

submissionsDisputedEntry[]An array of DisputedEntrys struct for the round. See ReputationMiningCycleDataTypes for the full description of the properties.

getEntryHash(address _submitter, uint256 _entryIndex, bytes32 _newHash):bytes32 entryHash

Get the hash for the corresponding entry.


_submitteraddressThe address that submitted the hash
_entryIndexuint256The index of the entry that they used to submit the hash
_newHashbytes32The hash that they submitted

Return Parameters

entryHashbytes32The hash for the corresponding entry

getMinStake():uint256 minStake

Get the minimum stake of CLNY required to mine.

Return Parameters

minStakeuint256The minimum stake amount

getMiningWindowDuration():uint256 miningWindowDuration

Get the length of the mining window in seconds.

Return Parameters

miningWindowDurationuint256Duration of the reputation mining window in seconds

getNInvalidatedHashes():uint256 nInvalidatedHashes

Get the number of hashes that have been invalidated this mining cycle.

Return Parameters

nInvalidatedHashesuint256Number of invalidated hashes in this mining cycle

getNSubmissionsForHash(bytes32 _hash, uint256 _nLeaves, bytes32 _jrh):uint256 count

Get the number of submissions miners made of a particular hash / nLeaves / jrh combination.


_hashbytes32The hash that was submitted
_nLeavesuint256The number of leaves that was submitted
_jrhbytes32The JRH of that was submitted

Return Parameters

countuint256The number of submissions - should be 0-12, as up to twelve submissions can be made

getNUniqueSubmittedHashes():uint256 nUniqueSubmittedHashes

Get the number of unique hash/nleaves/jrh sets that have been submitted this mining cycle.

Return Parameters

nUniqueSubmittedHashesuint256Number of unique hash/nleaves/jrh sets in this cycle

getReputationHashSubmission(address _user):Submission submission

The getter for the hashSubmissions mapping, which keeps track of submissions by user.


_useraddressAddress of the user

Return Parameters

submissionSubmissionthe Submission struct for the submission requested. See ReputationMiningCycleDataTypes.sol for the full description.

getReputationMiningWindowOpenTimestamp():uint256 timestamp

Get the timestamp that the current reputation mining window opened.

Return Parameters

timestampuint256The timestamp

getReputationUpdateLogEntry(uint256 _id):ReputationLogEntry reputationUpdateLogEntry

Get the ReputationLogEntry at index _id.


_iduint256The reputation log members array index of the entry to get

Return Parameters

reputationUpdateLogEntryReputationLogEntryThe Reputation Update Log Entry

getReputationUpdateLogLength():uint256 nUpdates

Get the length of the ReputationUpdateLog stored on this instance of the ReputationMiningCycle contract.

Return Parameters


getResponsePossible(DisputeStages _stage, uint256 _since):bool possible

Returns whether the caller is able to currently respond to a dispute stage.


_stageDisputeStagesThe dispute stage in question. Practically, this is a number that indexes in to the corresponding enum in ReputationMiningCycleDataTypes
_sinceuint256The timestamp the last response for the submission in the dispute in question was made at.

Return Parameters

possibleboolbool Whether the user can respond at the current time.

getSubmissionUser(bytes32 _hash, uint256 _nLeaves, bytes32 _jrh, uint256 _index):address user

Get the address that made a particular submission.


_hashbytes32The hash that was submitted
_nLeavesuint256The number of leaves that was submitted
_jrhbytes32The JRH of that was submitted
_indexuint256The index of the submission - should be 0-11, as up to twelve submissions can be made.

Return Parameters

useraddressAddress of the user that submitted the hash / nLeaves/ jrh at index

initialise(address _tokenLocking, address _clnyToken)

Initialise this reputation mining cycle.

Note: This will only be called once, by ColonyNetwork, in the same transaction that deploys this contract.


_tokenLockingaddressAddress of the TokenLocking contract
_clnyTokenaddressAddress of the CLNY token

invalidateHash(uint256 _round, uint256 _idx)

Invalidate a hash that has timed out relative to its opponent its current challenge step. Note that this can be called to 'invalidate' a nonexistent hash, if the round has an odd number of entrants and so the last hash is being given a bye to the next round.


_rounduint256The round number the hash being invalidated is in
_idxuint256The index in the round that the hash being invalidated is in

minerSubmittedEntryIndex(address _miner, uint256 _index):bool result

Returns a boolean result of whether the miner has already submitted at this entry index.


_mineraddressThe address that submitted the hash
_indexuint256The index of the entry that they used to submit the hash

Return Parameters

resultboolBoolean whether the entryIndex was already submitted


Resets the timestamp that the submission window opens to now.

Note: only allowed to be called by ColonyNetwork.

respondToBinarySearchForChallenge(uint256 _round, uint256 _idx, bytes memory _jhIntermediateValue, bytes32[] memory _siblings)

Respond to a binary search step, to eventually discover where two submitted hashes differ in their Justification trees.


_rounduint256The round number the hash we are responding on behalf of is in
_idxuint256The index in the round that the hash we are responding on behalf of is in
_jhIntermediateValuebytesThe contents of the Justification Tree at the key given by targetLeaf (see function description). The value of targetLeaf is computed locally to establish what to submit to this function.
_siblingsbytes32[]The siblings of the Merkle proof that jhIntermediateValue is the value at key targetLeaf

respondToChallenge(uint256[[object Object]] memory _u, bytes32[[object Object]] memory _b32, bytes32[] memory _reputationSiblings, bytes32[] memory _agreeStateSiblings, bytes32[] memory _disagreeStateSiblings, bytes32[] memory _userOriginReputationSiblings, bytes32[] memory _childReputationSiblings, bytes32[] memory _adjacentReputationSiblings)

Respond to challenge, to establish which (if either) of the two submissions facing off are correct.

Note: note that these are all bytes32; the address should be left padded from 20 bytes to 32 bytes. Strictly, I do not believe the padding matters, but you should use 0s for your own sanity!


_uuint256[26]A uint256[27] array. The elements of this array, in order are: 1. The current round of the hash being responded on behalf of 2. The current index in the round of the hash being responded on behalf of 3. The branchMask of the proof that the reputation is in the reputation state tree for the reputation with the disputed change 4. The number of leaves in the last reputation state that both submitted hashes agree on 5. The branchMask of the proof that the last reputation state the submitted hashes agreed on is in this submitted hash's justification tree 6. The number of leaves this hash considers to be present in the first reputation state the two hashes in this challenge disagree on 7. The branchMask of the proof that reputation root hash of the first reputation state the two hashes in this challenge disagree on is in this submitted hash's justification tree 8. The index of the log entry that the update in question was implied by. Each log entry can imply multiple reputation updates, and so we expect the clients to pass the log entry index corresponding to the update to avoid us having to iterate over the log. 9. A dummy variable that should be set to 0. If nonzero, transaction will still work but be slightly more expensive. For an explanation of why this is present, look at the corresponding solidity code. 10. Origin skill reputation branch mask. Nonzero for child reputation updates. 11. The amount of reputation that the entry in the tree under dispute has in the agree state 12. The UID that the entry in the tree under dispute has in the agree state 13. The amount of reputation that the entry in the tree under dispute has in the disagree state 14. The UID that the entry in the tree under dispute has in the disagree state 15. The amount of reputation that the user's origin reputation entry in the tree has in the state being disputed 16. The UID that the user's origin reputation entry in the tree has in the state being disputed 17. The branchMask of the proof that the child reputation for the user being updated is in the agree state 18. The amount of reputation that the child reputation for the user being updated is in the agree state 19. The UID of the child reputation for the user being updated in the agree state 20. A dummy variable that should be set to 0. If nonzero, transaction will still work but be slightly more expensive. For an explanation of why this is present, look at the corresponding solidity code. 21. The branchMask of the proof that the reputation adjacent to the new reputation being inserted is in the agree state 22. The amount of reputation that the reputation adjacent to a new reputation being inserted has in the agree state 23. The UID of the reputation adjacent to the new reputation being inserted 24. A dummy variable that should be set to 0. If nonzero, transaction will still work but be slightly more expensive. For an explanation of why this is present, look at the corresponding solidity code. 25. The value of the reputation that would be origin-adjacent that proves that the origin reputation does not exist in the tree 26. The value of the reputation that would be child-adjacent that proves that the child reputation does not exist in the tree
_b32bytes32[7]A bytes32[8] array. The elements of this array, in order are: 1. The colony address in the key of the reputation being changed that the disagreement is over. 2. The skillid in the key of the reputation being changed that the disagreement is over. 3. The user address in the key of the reputation being changed that the disagreement is over. 4. The keccak256 hash of the key of the reputation being changed that the disagreement is over. 5. The keccak256 hash of the key for a reputation already in the tree adjacent to the new reputation being inserted, if required. 6. The keccak256 hash of the key of the reputation that would be origin-adjacent that proves that the origin reputation does not exist in the tree * 7. The keccak256 hash of the key of the reputation that would be child-adjacent that proves that the child reputation does not exist in the tree
_reputationSiblingsbytes32[]The siblings of the Merkle proof that the reputation corresponding to _reputationKey is in the reputation state before and after the disagreement
_agreeStateSiblingsbytes32[]The siblings of the Merkle proof that the last reputation state the submitted hashes agreed on is in this submitted hash's justification tree
_disagreeStateSiblingsbytes32[]The siblings of the Merkle proof that the first reputation state the submitted hashes disagreed on is in this submitted hash's justification tree
_userOriginReputationSiblingsbytes32[]Nonzero for child updates only. The siblings of the Merkle proof of the user's origin skill reputation added to the reputation tree in the last reputation state the submitted hashes agree on
_childReputationSiblingsbytes32[]Nonzero for child updates of a colony-wide global skill. The siblings of the Merkle proof of the child skill reputation of the user in the same skill this global update is for
_adjacentReputationSiblingsbytes32[]Nonzero for updates involving insertion of a new skill. The siblings of the Merkle proof of a reputation in the agree state that ends adjacent to the new reputation

rewardStakersWithReputation(address[] memory _stakers, uint256[] memory _weights, address _metaColonyAddress, uint256 _reward, uint256 _miningSkillId)

Start the reputation log with the rewards for the stakers who backed the accepted new reputation root hash.

Note: Only callable by colonyNetwork. Note that the same address might be present multiple times in stakers - this is acceptable, and indicates the same address backed the same hash multiple times with different entries.


_stakersaddress[]The array of stakers addresses to receive the reward.
_weightsuint256[]The array of weights determining the proportion of reward to go to each staker
_metaColonyAddressaddressThe address of the meta colony, which the special mining skill is earned in
_rewarduint256The amount of reputation to be rewarded to each staker
_miningSkillIduint256Skill id of the special mining skill

submitRootHash(bytes32 _newHash, uint256 _nLeaves, bytes32 _jrh, uint256 _entryIndex)

Submit a new reputation root hash.


_newHashbytes32The proposed new reputation root hash
_nLeavesuint256Number of leaves in tree with root newHash
_jrhbytes32The justifcation root hash for this submission
_entryIndexuint256The entry number for the given newHash and nLeaves

userInvolvedInMiningCycle(address _user):bool involved

Returns whether a particular address has been involved in the current mining cycle. This might be from submitting a hash, or from defending one during a dispute.


_useraddressThe address whose involvement is being queried

Return Parameters

involvedboolWhether the address has been involved in the current mining cycle