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Deploying Colony Locally

This guide will cover the basics of getting the Colony Network Smart Contracts running on your local development machine.


Keep in mind that following this guide will enable you to only deploy and run the contracts locally in order to develop software against the Colony API that needs an RPC endpoint (like ColonyJS or the Colony SDK). If you would like to work on the Colony Network contracts themselves, please see Contributing.

Starting out

After cloning the repository and installing the remaining dependencies you can start a local blockchain with the Colony contracts deployed. Read on to find out how.


You will need to have NodeJS (best to use nvm to choose the right node version) and optionally Docker installed. See here for more information.

Cloning the repository and preparing the dependencies

Please follow this guide to clone and set up the repository.

Starting an RPC server

The RPC development server is a piece of software that emulates the behavior of a "real" RPC node like geth. It runs on your machine and you can deploy Smart Contracts just like on any Ethereum chain. A blockchain on your computer! We are using Ganache for this, which is part of the Truffle suite.

Ganache was installed when you set up all the dependencies earlier. You can start a CLI version of it like so (run in a different terminal window from the colonyNetwork directory):

npm run start:blockchain:client

This will run Ganache on port 8545. Do not close the window, we're about to deploy the contracts!


Ganache will also create a file called ganache-accounts.json in the colonyNetwork directory. This file contains the public and private keys of development accounts you can use (see the private_keys property at the bottom). These accounts will be used to deploy the ColonyNetwork contracts and will be funded with ETH on the local blockchain. You are encouraged to use them in your own code!

Deploying the Colony Network contracts

To deploy the Colony Network contracts to the running development RPC node (Ganache) we use the following command (make sure you're using the same NodeJS version as for Ganache):

npx truffle migrate --reset --compile-all

This will run Truffle's so called migrations, to deploy all contracts. Keep in mind that this will not only deploy the main ColonyNetwork contract, but also set up the MetaColony alongside all its extensions. Please be patient, this will take some time. When you see something akin to the following output, everything was successfully deployed:

> Total deployments: 13
> Final cost: 0.57571114 ETH

The migration scripts will also create a file called etherrouter-address.json. It contains the address for the main entry point for the Colony Contracts and can be instantiated as the ColonyNetwork contract. From this one you will be able to figure out all relevant addresses by just calling the corresponding functions on the ColonyNetwork contract.


Why etherrouter-address? Colony uses the so called EtherRouter pattern for upgradeable Smart Contracts. Read more about that here. Or watch this video. It's up to you :)

What does that mean in practice? Act as if the etherrouter-address is the Address for the deployed ColonyNetwork contract.

Talking to the Colony Network

While the Ganache RPC is still running, we can now actually communicate with the deployed contracts. Let's find out the address of the EtherRouter and ask for the locally deployed MetaColony's address:

cat etherrouter-address.json       
# {"etherRouterAddress":"0x5CC4a96B08e8C88f2c6FC5772496FeD9666e4D1F"}
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_call","params":[{ "to": "0x5CC4a96B08e8C88f2c6FC5772496FeD9666e4D1F", "data": "0x731bc22f" }],"id":1}' http://localhost:8545
# {"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":"0x0000000000000000000000001133560db4aebbebc712d4273c8e3137f58c3a65"}

What happened here? Let's break it down:

As mentioned before, the etherRouterAddress can be seen as the address the IColonyNetwork contract is deployed under. Now we are using curl to talk to the Ethereum JSON-RPC API of our Ganache node. See the RPC API documentation for detailed explanations.

What we're doing here is issuing a call to the getMetaColony() function on the contract with the address 0x5CC4a96B08e8C88f2c6FC5772496FeD9666e4D1F (the to field). This is encoded in the data field by using the first four bytes of the keccak256 hash of the function signature (getMetaColony()) - including its parameter types (in this case there are none). For some more examples see the Solidity documentation.

To reiterate:

Function signaturegetMetaColony()
Function signature keccak256 hash (use for example this online tool)731bc22f478b87eebe748e766203ce0cbda401a2dd97cc0679f3a69a209ed724
First four bytes731bc22f

If this way of communication with Ethereum Smart Contracts seems cumbersome to you - that's because it is! Luckily some wonderful people in the Open Source community built tools to make all this a lot easier. For general solutions look into ethers.js or web3.js.

The Ganache server will answer with the address of the deployed MetaColony (plus some 0-padding): 0x1133560db4aebbebc712d4273c8e3137f58c3a65.

Check the logs of the truffle migrate command we issued earlier. The MetaColony should have the same address:

### Meta Colony created at 0x1133560dB4AebBebC712d4273C8e3137f58c3A65

> Saving migration to chain.
> Total cost: 0 ETH

🎉Congratulations, you've successfully deployed the ColonyNetwork 🎉

Where to go from here? Well, you can try to issue a few more eth_call commands to retrieve data or even make a custom manual transaction?

Or just go down the easy path! We created Colony SDK, to make it really easy to talk to the Colony contracts. With the knowledge you just acquired you can even test it out locally. Or try our more involved solution ColonyJS that is quite a bit more flexible - we're using it to power the Colony Dapp!

Where to go from here?

If you would like to access the reputation related functionality within your development work (mainly to get a user's reputation), please see the this guide.